Another Week, Another Set of Live Rounds of “The Voice”

This week on “The Voice,” we’re down to 10 contestants, another two of whom go home tonight, so if nothing else our odds of predicting who’s going home are naturally improving week to week. But let’s look at the social media numbers again. First, overall “share of voice”:

thevoice-overall 2013-05-21 at 10.07.39 AM

Then, positive “share of voice”:

thevoice-positive 2013-05-21 at 10.07.19 AM

For the first week ever, both rankings produce the same bottom two, Amber and Kris.

If we look at week-to-week follower count growth, however, we get a different ranking:

Twitter handle Followers 5/14 Followers 5/21 Delta Percentage
@theswonbrothers 14750 19588 4838 33%
@michellechamuel 21305 27370 6065 28%
@josiahhawley 40894 50517 9623 24%
@dbradbery 45723 55430 9707 21%
@hollytmusic 13454 16273 2819 21%
@ambercarrington 14520 17149 2629 18%
@kristhomasmusik 12130 13966 1836 15%
@sarahsimmusic 25314 28828 3514 14%
@sashaallenmusic 16674 18985 2311 14%
@judith_hill 39953 43041 3088 8%

So the question is whether buzz or follower count (or neither) correlates better with actual results. So far, follower count has correlated a lot less well, so this week I’m going with buzz — especially since overall buzz and positive buzz line up this time.

But social numbers haven’t been right yet this season, which I’m sure make Kris and Amber happy to no end. 🙂

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